Connectome: How is Information Organized in The Brain? | Hippocampal-Cortical Memory

3 min read

There is a recent paper in Nature Neuroscience, Organizing memories for generalization in complementary learning systems, stating that, “Classical views of systems consolidation, such as the standard theory of systems consolidation have held that memories reside in the hippocampus before transferring completely to the neocortex. Related neural network models, such as the complementary learning systems theory, have further offered a computational rationale for systems consolidation based on the benefits of coupling complementary fast and slow learning systems for integrating new information into existing knowledge. However, these theories lack explanations for why some memories remain forever hippocampal-dependent, as shown in a growing number of experiments. On the other hand, more recent theories, such as multiple trace theory and trace transformation theory, hold that the amount of consolidation can depend on memory content, but they do not provide quantitative criteria for what content will consolidate, nor why this might be beneficial for behavior.”

How is information organized in the brain? In what ways is the memory of a chair stored, a table, a location, a number [ temporarily ] or several other things? There is the common hypothesis that it is in the connectivity, but what would synaptic connectivity bear, from dendritic spines, without impulses?

It is proposed here that across circuits in the brain, all electrical and chemical impulses are in sets, arrayed or form loops. This means that electrical and chemical impulses organize themselves in small groups where they operate specific functions.

This exceeds [ just ] neuronal types, axonal innervation, dendritic spines and synaptic sprawl. For the parts of the brain known for a certain function, say the cerebellum for balance, or the brain stem for regulation of breathing, there are loops of impulses there whose specifications or array define what they do.


Synaptic clefts are known to have vesicles and receptors. Vesicles and receptors at some synaptic clefts are more than in others. There are also cases where vesicles and receptors in synaptic cleft increase.

These synaptic clefts and vesicles can be termed drifts or stairs of chemical impulses. They are the key information designation destinations. Electrical impulses also have their drifts or stairs in sets or loops. These are myelin sheaths. It is known that electrical impulses leap from node to node in myelinated axons, in the process called saltatory conduction. It is hypothesized here that in a loop, some electrical impulses make the jump ahead of others, as an early-split or go-before, to interact with chemical impulses. This split produces what is observed as predictive coding, processing and prediction error.

All electrical and chemical impulses interact in loops, regardless of axonal or dendritic deft. The structures of loops of impulses are proposed here to be like alphabets. For example, L M N O or other letters or shapes. It is by the shapes of the loops of impulses that information is often organized in the brain.

The hippocampus–useful for new and other types of memories, with a relatively low number of neurons [ under a million ]–can be said to have several loops of impulses with open shapes that collect some of the incoming signals after sensory integration, in the thalamus and olfactory bulb.

This means that new [ or unfamiliar signals ] from the loops [ of impulses ] in some of the nuclei groups, can cause new loops to form in the hippocampus or cause changes to some existing ones.

This means that the drifts or stairs, mostly at the clefts, could shape chemical impulses in ways to hold information, encodes it, or make it available to other loops within that time [ retrieval ]. During sleep, this structure say M with new stretches of its bipod can then transmit from its loop to others in the cerebral cortex for permanence [ or consolidation ].

Simply, all electrical and chemical impulses in a cluster of neurons form different structures, arrays, sets or loops. These structures become how functions are specified or how information is organized. This means that the way that interaction would happen in a loop of impulses, M will be different from how it would in a loop, N or O. These structures become a mode from which interactions are made, though adjustments [ or neuroplasticity ] are common. The structures are defined by stairs or drifts [ myelin sheaths/vesicles-receptors ], but the unique interactions of these structures make taste different from smell, or an emotion from a feeling and so forth.

For stairs or drifts of chemical impulses, there are rationings or fills. This means that different chemical impulses are involved in a process, but they are rationed to certain measures, to determine experiences. That is, there could be the combination BCD, of chemical impulses that decide taste. B could be more among the combination for the taste of salt, but they have to be measured to close exactness to BCD, with all the parts in each letter complete, to have the taste. The degree of saltiness may increase with B, or decrease, but would be BCD to have the taste of salt.

This applies to smell, touch, sight, auditory, motor, modulatory loops as well. It also applies in mental health and in mental disorders, where combinations are askew, leading to troubles with the sense of self, control and relationship with the external world.

There are loops of impulses. Chemical impulses in loops have rations to determine experiences. Incoming electrical impulses into loops can be shaped by drifts too, to work out rations.

The convolution of the cerebral cortex allows for multiple kinds of loops across. Other parts of the brain are also corrugated, shaping some of these loops of impulses. The array of impulses within a cluster of neurons, or within a pair of gyrus and sulcus, has a position. Different arrays are in different positions with constant alteration. Some positions affect others. There are drifts or rations of certain experiences, say PQR, where the abundance of P, in a ration, could lead to more of P, in other loops, causing some drops, in the position of some loops. These drops are sometimes responsible for depression, anxiety, mood disorder and so forth. This feature of loops of impulses is here termed principal spot.

The brains of kids are known to have more synapses than the adult brain, helping kids learn faster. It is hypothesized here that there are more loops of impulses in the child’s brain than in adults, or there are processes to have stable loops, but with several temporal loops, changing shapes and faster transmissions between them.

Information is organized in the brain by the loops of impulses, with their special shapes. These shapes also determine how they function. The structures of the loops are proposed here to be influenced by the structure of the brain and vice versa.

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